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Irina S. Golubenko (Ph.D., North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS, Magadan); Liudmila V. Massel (Dr. Sci., Prof., Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk)

DSC04717.JPG Vera V. Naumova (Dr. Sci., Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS, Moscow) Миниатюры Millot Romain (Ph.D., BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orlean); Irina S. Golubenko (Ph.D., North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS, Magadan) Vera V. Naumova (Dr. Sci., Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS, Moscow) Миниатюры Millot Romain (Ph.D., BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orlean); Irina S. Golubenko (Ph.D., North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS, Magadan) Vera V. Naumova (Dr. Sci., Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS, Moscow) Миниатюры Millot Romain (Ph.D., BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orlean); Irina S. Golubenko (Ph.D., North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS, Magadan) Vera V. Naumova (Dr. Sci., Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS, Moscow) Миниатюры Millot Romain (Ph.D., BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orlean); Irina S. Golubenko (Ph.D., North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS, Magadan) Vera V. Naumova (Dr. Sci., Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS, Moscow) Миниатюры Millot Romain (Ph.D., BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orlean); Irina S. Golubenko (Ph.D., North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS, Magadan) Vera V. Naumova (Dr. Sci., Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS, Moscow) Миниатюры Millot Romain (Ph.D., BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orlean); Irina S. Golubenko (Ph.D., North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS, Magadan) Vera V. Naumova (Dr. Sci., Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS, Moscow) Миниатюры Millot Romain (Ph.D., BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orlean); Irina S. Golubenko (Ph.D., North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS, Magadan)

Irina S. Golubenko (Ph.D., North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS, Magadan); Liudmila V. Massel (Dr. Sci., Prof., Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk)

Голубенко Ирина Сергеевна (к.г.-м.н., Северо-Восточный комплексный научно-исследовательский институт ДВО РАН, Магадан); Массель Людмила Васильевна (д.т.н., Институт систем энергетики им. Л.А. Мелентьева СО РАН, Иркутск)